Let’s Talk About Health & Sanity


A Nature Valentine

Wow! For the first time since the internet arrived in my home — dial-up at first and now a cell tower box that has its own phone number — I’ve run out of available data ten days early! I had to purchase another GB so I can have limited access from home. I am determined to make that one GB last!

More importantly, running out of data days before the next round begins is an indicator of where my mind has been since the inauguration in January. Unfortunately, I have not been celebrating. I have been obsessed with following the whirlwind of news surrounding our frightening political climate. I have been obsessed with wondering what list of new changes will greet me each day that inspire my concern, fear, and anger.

Running out of data while the second snowstorm blankets my weekend has been a wake-up call. No wonder I have been restlessly sleeping, eating less than healthy foods, and ignoring my body’s cries for movement (other than snow shoveling). I’ve also allowed my meditations and writing time to wind down to minutes a day instead of much longer. I understand why I don’t feel myself — my stomach has been in knots, my mind’s been racing with fear and negativity, and my generally zestful energy level has been waning into a state of ‘tired is normal’.

Now, I do believe we are in a time of crisis where being informed is essential and what is daily coming from the White House each day is anything but normal. I also believe that my own health and well-being are also essential so that I can continue to make my daily phone calls, write letters to government officials, take action when & where possible, as well as participate in local action groups. I refuse to give over my health and sanity to a political climate I don’t agree with.

Running out of data? I am grateful for I was called back to myself and what is important for me to maintain my health and sanity. I spent the last three days reading, being outdoors, meditating, writing, and photographing the beauty around me in nature. Because I took a media, internet, and news break, I got to see a fox in my front yard one evening, finish a knitting project, do my yoga in a relaxed and healing way, dust off my kettle bell, and actually enjoyed the snow falling (at least until I had to get out and clear it). Clearly I have not been a beacon for all the positive psychology I have been studying and practicing for years!

This morning as I went to work I felt refreshed and sane. I was more present with myself and with my clients in a way I hadn’t experienced for several weeks. Before leaving work (where I do have wifi access), I briefly checked my email and looked at the headlines. When I closed my computer, I didn’t feel the concern and overwhelm I’d been living (obsessively).

I am committed to continuing to take breaks from the internet, social media, and the news. Time to renew and refresh is so important at this time. If we are to resist and stand up for our rights that are threatened every day, we must be strong and aware of our need to regroup when our health wanes. The news will still be there with right action to take. Let’s not give over our own health and well-being to these people.